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Comments, Compliments and Complaints...

If you wish to give feedback anonymously then please leave your name or contact details empty. Please note that it may not be possible to fully investigate complaints that are submitted anonymously.

Nature of your feedback
Nature of involvement with Visyon
Receiving direct support
Parent / Carer

Complaints Policy Statement

Visyon is a responsible charity and actively encourages feedback from all children, young people, families, supporters and stakeholders. All feedback will be processed in a fair and sensitive way and will be used to improve practice and services for the future.


Children/Young People

If a child or young person indicates that they wish to make a complaint they can be supported by a Key Worker or an Advocate. The complaints procedure should be followed with consideration for their wishes. The NYAS advocacy service can be contacted and will offer further assistance. Contact details are below.


Informal Verbal Complaints

Visyon aims to deal with all informal complaints at first point of contact. Any complaint should be brought to the attention of the Business Support Officer in the first instance who will liaise with the relevant Head of Service to resolve informal complaints within 10 working days. Informal Verbal Complaints will not normally be subject to full investigation and a verbal response will be made to the complainant where contact details have been made available.


Written Complaints

Written complaints are subject to a four stage process:


Stage 1

Written complaints are submitted to the Business Support email address ( and will be acknowledged within three working days. *The Head of Service will conduct an investigation and will contact the complainant to discuss their complaint. This will be followed by an email confirming the agreed arrangements. The complainant will be kept informed of ongoing investigations and Visyon will aim to respond to the complaint within 30 days. In the case of a more complex complaint, a later timescale for response will be agreed with the complainant. A summary of the findings will be emailed to the complainant within five working days of the conclusion of the investigation.

*if complaint relates to a Head of Service, another member of the Senior Leadership Team will investigate.

Stage 2

If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation they should raise their concerns with the Chief Executive, Theresa Pass, within 10 working days of the date of the email outlining the findings of the investigation. They will arrange a telephone call or meeting to discuss the outstanding issues and will outline any additional steps to be taken to resolve any outstanding issues.


If for any reason the complainant does not wish to discuss then all unresolved issues will need to be responded to by email.

Stage 3

If the complainant remains unhappy with the outcome, the Internal Governance Group (IGG) will be called to consider the outstanding issues. The complainant will be contacted by a representative of the IGG and may be invited in for a discussion to resolve the outstanding issues.

Stage 4

If a complainant is still not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, they should contact the Charity Commission.

Alternatively, if the complaint concerns are a fundraising issue the complainant should contact the Fundraising Regulator.

Contact Details

Business Support Team

Tel: 01260 290000



Tel: 0808 808 1001


Charity Commission

Tel: 0870 333 0123


Fundraising Regulator

Tel: 0300 999 3407



Visyon’s Operational Comments, Compliments & Complaints Policy is available upon request

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