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Part 1: Visyon application form...

Please complete both parts of the application to apply.

About you...


Contact Details

Equal Opportunities

We are committed to ensuring that all job applicants and members of staff are treated equally, without discrimination because of gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partner status, gender reassignment, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, disability or age. This form is intended to help us maintain equal opportunities best practice and identify barriers to workforce equality and diversity.

Please complete this form and return it with your application. The form will be separated from your application on receipt. The information on this form will be used for monitoring purposes only and will play no part in the recruitment process.

All questions are optional. You are not obliged to answer any of these questions but the more information you supply, the more effective our monitoring will be. All information supplied will be treated in the strictest confidence. It will not be placed on your personnel file. 

Thank you for your assistance.

Gender (If you are undergoing gender reassignment, please use the gender identity you intend to acquire.)
Prefer not to say
Prefer to specify
Is your identity the same as the sex you were assigned at birth?
Prefer not to say
How would you describe your nationality and/or ethnicity?
What is your Sexual orientation?
Or tick below:
I have no religion or belief
Prefer not to specify

The Equality Act 2010 defines a disability as a "physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities". An effect is long-term if it has lasted, or is likely to last, more than 12 months.

Do you consider that you have a disability under the Equality Act?
Used to have a disability but have now recovered
Don't know
Prefer not to say

Self-Disclosure Form

Self-disclosure form for roles which are covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 in England, Scotland and Wales or the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1978.


For completion by the person applying for the role.

As the role you have applied for involves contact with children, you will also be required to undergo the relevant vetting and barring checks. Depending on the nature of the role, this could include checking criminal convictions and checking that you are not barred from working with children.


All information you provide will be treated as confidential and managed in accordance with relevant data protection legislation and guidance. You have a legal right to access any information held about you.

Have you ever been known to any Children’s Services department or police as being a risk or potential risk to children?
Have you been the subject of any investigation and/or sanction by any organisation or body due to concerns about your behaviour towards children?
Have you ever been the subject of disciplinary sanctions or been asked to leave employment or voluntary activity due to inappropriate behaviour towards children?
Do you have any unspent convictions in the UK or overseas?

Consent to contact provided references

I understand that Visyon Ltd, (the organisation), need to be able to contact two referees as part of the pre-employment checks for the recruitment process.

Please complete below as appropriate:

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